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We've got a massive selection of samples on offer, so just use the menu on the right to navigate to the sounds you need. We've got everything from bass guitar right through to funky saxophone and progressive house samples. Garageband drum fills are often the glue that holds a beat together. When you need to seamlessly flow from verse into chorus, a live drum fill will bridge that gap with flare.

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No matter how advanced virtual instruments become, you'll never quite replicate the true groove …. When it's time to create some super glitzy POP beats that are ready to smash the charts, these pop for Garageband are primed and ready for you to download and drop straight into Garageband.

From …. Put some soul into your beats with some live soul drum loops from the masters of drum recording at Silicon Beats. When it comes to capturing that live Motown sound, It doesn't get more authentic …. Give your beats that authentic Blues vibe with some live, organic blues drum loops for Garageband and Logic. Add your own drums, vocals or other instruments to take these cute little ideas to …. Test the limits of your sound system with these monster dubstep loops for Garageband and Logic.

When it comes to producing high quality dubstep beats you need loops that have the power to sink …. Watch out for the full moon, clutch your crucifix tightly, sharpen your wooden stakes or just download these Garageband Horror music loops and stay on the right side of the silver screen. Create …. With drums, bass synth, leads and FX these sample are ready for …. What instrument do you turn to when you need MORE bass? You go straight for some upright double bass loops to get the fattest bass response possible in any acoustic stringed instrument.

Drop some …. Macloops has been offering the music production community free sounds since We're constantly updating our catalog of free loops and samples so be sure to check our social media pages for the latest updates. Please comment on our posts and share our pages with your friends. You must be logged in to post a comment. If you've ever heard a live soul or funk band hammering out the classics, you'll already be well aware of Facebook 0.

Twitter 0. Free Garageband Drum Fills Garageband drum fills are often the glue that holds a beat together. Download these drum … September 25, 1 Comment. Electro House Loops for Garageband Take command of the dance floor with basslines that crush!

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Bass Guitar Loops for Garageband Drop some live bass guitar loops into Garageband and inject some infectious grooves into your beats. No matter how advanced virtual instruments become, you'll never quite replicate the true groove … April 4, Pop Producer Loops for Garageband When it's time to create some super glitzy POP beats that are ready to smash the charts, these pop for Garageband are primed and ready for you to download and drop straight into Garageband.

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